1. What is your current role/roles and things that you are working on?
I currently host my own internet radio show for Fradio twice a week, host Heavy TV and Balcony TV Melbourne, DJ in DJ duo Heels On Decks, entertainment and publicity coordinator for the Prince of Wales, St Kilda, publicist for the GH Hotel, director of Peachy Entertainment and write for a bunch of music mags when I can.
Heels On Decks
2. Describe what a normal day is like, in the life of Cassie Walker?
No day is the same or normal. If I’ve DJed the night before I wake in the afternoon, ride to a local cafe for coffee and food and then head into the night. If it’s an office day I wake up late, scramble out of the house generally in a mismatched outfit, catch up on my emails on the commute from North side to South side, do my lipstick on the way, enjoy the ocean view once south side, get coffee, spend the day glued to my desk immersed in three different inboxes, generally listen to something new and hip the young office assistant has suggested, catch up on the daily music news, then rug up for the commute home, either stopping in the city for a meal or gig and head home to watch trashy reality TV, right now I’m addicted to Donnie Loves Jenny.
3. Have you had to overcome any challenges/adversity throughout your career? If so, how did you approach them?
Always, but it’s how you learn. I am quite opinionated which gets me in trouble at times, I try to respond in a placid manner.
…as an industry we need to stop expecting creatives to be working for free.
4. How did you get your start in the Music Industry? Did you chose to work in music, or did it choose you?
I started working in the music industry accidentally so I guess you could say it choose me. I entered a friends band in a local band competition and became their manager. Journalism wise my brother was a BMX racer and I began writing a music column in a BMX magazine once a month. Both when I was 16.
I started working in the music industry accidentally so I guess you could say it choose me. I entered a friends band in a local band competition and became their manager. Journalism wise my brother was a BMX racer and I began writing a music column in a BMX magazine once a month. Both when I was 16.
Spotify playlists, the Prince Bandroom office assistant Brit, she’s on the ball.
6. How do you unwind/relax when things are busy or stressful at work?
Yoga, cooking, movies.
7. If you could change one thing about the current Australian music industry, what would it be?
Fairer working conditions and pays like any other industries, as an industry we need to stop expecting creatives to be working for free.
8. What are your 3 artists to watch right now?
Atomic Riot– local Melbourne rock’n’roll band made up of members of The Deep End, Kill Shott and Smoke’n’Mirrors, they’ve taken all the good elements of classic rock and added a modern punk element to it.
Atomic Riot
Andrew Swift – such a pleasure to watch live, such a personable show and what a voice.
Damon Smith – of The Quality Lightweights, his unreleased album is one of the best sounds I’ve heard. The lead single Wolves is spine tingling.
9. What has been your career highlight thus far?
Interviewing Neil Finn for Balcony TV Melbourne, he’s my favourite musician, I’m surprised I didn’t spew on camera.