Please tell us your story! How did you get to where you are today?

From a young age I was lucky enough to be given the privilege and access to experiment with all sides of the arts. I began doing musical theatre, then went to a performing arts school on an acting scholarship then began doing little trips to LA after I graduated, to dip my toes into the industry as a songwriter.


Why did you want to get into the music industry?

I didn’t particularly want to get into the music industry, I don’t think I set out to do that, I just wanted to write and release music and then found myself here! Haha. I wanted to share music that I felt might help people feel less alone or isolated and build a community around that. 


Have you had to overcome any challenges or adversity in your career, and if so, how did you approach them?

Yes. Each day I stay in this industry, I’m constantly challenged by the need to become ‘shiny’ and ‘new’ again to hold the attention of my peers. I’m also very challenged by how ageist the industry is. Even just yesterday I was introduced to someone and within 2 minutes they asked how old I was. This should not be a question that matters or that should be asked so early within a conversation! Take me out to dinner first! Haha jk. Don’t do that either


“I would probably say that we need to continue having the conversation around tall poppy syndrome.”

Let’s talk about the highs vs the lows of your career. What is your greatest achievement? And are there any moments you would like to share that you learnt greatly from?

My greatest achievement would be releasing my debut album. One of my lows would be how long it took me to do this. A lot of the reasons it took such a long time are external to me and were out of my control. Such as being held in a deal that wasn’t serving me, changing teams, COVID(!!!), contracts taking foreverrrrr to go through. All of these factors played a part but taught me a huge lesson in letting go of the wheel 🙂 *stream ‘No Service’ and ‘Chloe Enough’* 


Who are your top 3 artists to watch?
Who has been your biggest champion in your career?

Personally, my dad. Professionally I’d have to say Bridget Husthwaite, Poppy Reid and Milly Petriella


Pictured: Milly Petriella
What is the best piece of life advice you’ve ever received?

 “It’s not that serious!” This was the best piece of advice for me personally because I take everything quite seriously and forget to have fun, so this is a mantra I’m living by at the moment 🙂


What would you tell your younger self if you could tell them anything?

You’re not too much <3


“I would love to see more equality on festival line ups!! So often they are very male heavy, so I would love to see some sort of infrastructure that guarantees a more equal balance.”

What is your big picture career goal?

My big picture career goal is to find a balance between being a successful musician and managing my mental health to where it is in a sustainable, good place.

You’ve worked with some incredible notable faces? Care to humble brag?

Hahaha I have! I am so lucky! I will humbly brag about going on tour with Griff. I have the utmost respect for that girl, she is SUCH a force and an incredibly kind person. Truly blown away by her talent and heart.


Artist: Griff
Who are your role models in the industry be they local or international?

Some women who I greatly look up to right now would be

Jack River


Kita Alexander


 Hannah Joy from Middle Kids.


You’ve spent a bit of time in Los Angeles. What are examples of tough conversations that the Australian Music Industry isn’t having that it could greatly benefit from if confronted?

I would probably say that we need to continue having the conversation around tall poppy syndrome. It’s just so evident here in LA that successful people are being uplifted instead of cut down. It’s normal to ‘brag’ and to back yourself!! I find this sooo uncomfortable but am slowly changing my dialogue and think the Australia Music Industry needs to actively do more to change this landscape and way of thinking.


Do you believe that your local music scene is adequately funded by the Government?

 I live in Los Angeles so that’s gonna be a hell no. We are SO lucky to have the funding we do in Australia!!! Canada has similar options for people in the arts but unfortunately not here 🙁


Is the industry missing any much needed infrastructure?

I would love to see more equality on festival line ups!! So often they are very male heavy, so I would love to see some sort of infrastructure that guarantees a more equal balance. I remember 5 years ago I was on a NYE lineup and I was one of ONLY 2 females on the bill. There were 30 men. I was then last minute pushed from the mainstage I was contracted to be on, to the dj side stage.


“You’re not too much <3”

What does 2024 look like for you? Any news you can let us in on?

My debut album!! Hopefully a headline tour and maybe a couple of support tours!! 😉


What is your go-to song for Karaoke?

Torn, Natalie Imbruglia.