Please tell us your story! How did you get to where you are today?
Because I had a music scholarship in high school I’d been moulded into a session musician, performing in 8 bands at the age of 15 years old. However, I’ve always been writing my own songs and producing them up to share on soundcloud with my friends. I never considered myself as a songwriter or producer because in my head I was just a session musician. I was accepted into a music degree as a performer but within the first few days I discovered that music production and songwriting was an actual job in the industry! After a week I swapped my major to production because I just knew that’s what I wanted to do with my life.

Why did you want to get into the music industry?
I was lucky to have parents who absolutely loved music. We used to watch 70s rock concerts like Pink Floyd and Led Zeppelin on the weekends. I think this is where my interest in music started and from 5 years old I was taking piano lessons (which I hated at the time) and then at 7, I swapped to guitar. It’s history from there.
Pictured: Pink Floyd Pictured: Led Zeppelin
Who has been your biggest champion in your career?
I owe a lot to my family and friends. They’ve been my support at my all time lows as well as celebrating the highs without fail.
Let’s talk about the highs vs the lows of your career. What is your greatest achievement? And are there any moments you would like to share that you learnt greatly from?
The greatest achievement of my career would be the creation and journey to my debut album. Over those 3 years I learnt a lot of lessons. The biggest is to always work with genuine people who share the same values as you. Also no matter what, have things in writing despite who you’re working with.
“work with genuine people who share the same values as you. Also no matter what, have things in writing despite who you’re working with.”
What have been your career highlights to date?
The release of my debut album was a huge highlight as well as the success I gained from it. Also being part of programs like WOMPP’s Writers camp in 2023 was amazing as it made me realise travel can be a part of my profession.
Have you had to overcome any challenges or adversity in your career, and if so, how did you approach them?
I find I come up against a lot of assumptions that I’m an artist and not a person who is actually running sessions and working behind the scenes with artists. For me the best way to approach them is with kindness as well as setting clear boundaries for a professional and welcoming environment. The best revenge is not to be like them.

What is your big picture career goal?
I just want to be happy in life. For me music brings me happiness so I’d love to just be songwriting and producing full time forever.
Who are your role models in the industry be they local or international?
Off the top of my head; Internationally I’d say Ester Dean and locally Sarah Aarons. Both examples of amazing female talent in the music industry.
Pictured: Ester Dean Pictured: Sarah Aarons
“A huge shout out to MPW and WOMPP who do a lot for the minorities. Love their work and the people behind it are the best!
Who are your top 3 artists to watch?
Tell us about your songwriting process….
It honestly varies based on who I’m working with and what state we’re in. However, 8/10 times the songs are written with an acoustic instrument like guitar or piano. Over the top of that melodies get formed over progressions and then lyrics from that. But, of course it all depends on what comes into my head.
You’ve worked with a wide array of artists. Has working with a range of artists helped you grow as a songwriter? Any tricks that you’ve picked up along the way that have completely changed the way you work?
Yeah totally! I think the only thing to remember is you’re working with people first and foremost. Don’t rush to start a session, take time to talk or get a coffee. Often the best work I’ve done is when you establish a connection out of the studio.
“I find I come up against a lot of assumptions that I’m an artist and not a person who is actually running sessions and working behind the scenes with artists.”
You wear many hats in your profession as a producer, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist artist. Do you have a particular area that you enjoy more than others?
This changes every week haha. I honestly love every aspect of my profession but some weeks I’ll just be songwriting with my guitar and others i’ll be heavily in the studio making a track or producing a demo.

What are examples of tough conversations that the Australian Music Industry isn’t having that it could greatly benefit from if confronted?
Lately, AI has rapidly been developing and is threatening many jobs in the industry. Already our industry is suffering with many tours being cancelled and to have another threat is quite scary. Especially, when most of us are freelance workers and have little to no support from the government
Does your area of the industry have adequate infrastructure that is supported by the Government? If not, what would you like to see more of?
The government does not have adequate infrastructure and as producers we need to rely on studio spaces independently owned and run.
“Like most females in the industry I’ve experienced mansplaining in the studio. I think the hardest thing I’ve dealt with was a comment that my success came easier than someone else’s because I am a minority”
Is the production side of the industry “gatekept?”
I have come across both amazing producers and not so nice ones. I think there is a stigma that production is technical and hard to learn but I think every artist should learn basic production concepts. I am so against gatekeeping, so I actively try to surround myself with good people who genuinely want to help others. Furthermore, I’ll always share my tricks and tips with my artists so they can paint their next sonic vision.

Do you think the Australian Music Industry is where it needs to be in regards to diversity? If yes or no, what would you like to see/have you seen?
The Australian Music Industry is far from where it needs to be in terms of diversity. If anything I’ve found the gaps to be growing larger. There definitely needs to be more support for minorities like female and GNC producers.
Is there enough support for Female producers? If not, what would you like to see?
Absolutely not! I’d love to see a women’s and GNC producers songhub or camp.
“To me tokenisation where someone only hires people in minorities for the appearance that they’re fair and to prevent criticism. They have no intention of creating a safe and equal environment to protect the minorities they’ve hired.”
Why does representation matter?
Growing up I never had someone to look up to and confidently say “that’s what i wanna do” or “that’s who I want to be like”. Representation gives the next generation of creatives inspiration that they can be in a profession no matter who they are or what they look like.
What is tokenisation?
To me tokenisation where someone only hires people in minorities for the appearance that they’re fair and to prevent criticism. They have no intention of creating a safe and equal environment to protect the minorities they’ve hired.
How do you define true allyship?
Allyship to me is simply being a friend to someone no matter who they are, who they date or what they look like. Treating their issues like your own and being open to understanding their perspectives to issues you might never have encountered.
What does a safespace look like to you?
A space where everyone feels free to be themselves without the risk of harassment or discrimination.

Have you experienced discrimination within the industry?
Like most females in the industry I’ve experienced mansplaining in the studio. I think the hardest thing I’ve dealt with was a comment that my success came easier than someone else’s because I am a minority so I had to get placements in programs and shows ect.
Would you like to give a shout out to anyone in the industry on our platform?
A huge shout out to MPW and WOMPP who do a lot for the minorities. Love their work and the people behind it are the best! Also Anna Laverty who has created the MPEG Guild as a way to provide support and community for producers and engineers. Lastly, Annika aka Alice Ivy for being an example of just a genuinely great person and producer!
Pictured: Anna Laverty Pictured: Alice Ivy
What was it like growing up & experiencing the industry outside looking in? Now that you’re in it, what has your experience been like?
On the outside you feel like the music industry is massive. Whereas now being on the inside you realise it’s a lot smaller than you think. It’s still very saturated but everyone is only like 3 or 4 degrees from each other. Also like I mentioned before, the industry has some really shitty people but we can’t ignore that there are also a lot of genuinely great people who I absolutely adore!
Self identity & imposter syndrome are issues Women & GNC Folks in the industry struggle with. Have you faced this issue? If so/not, what tips can you give to encourage others to stand in their truth?
ABSOLUTELY! I struggle with these issues on a daily basis no matter how many awards/achievements I earn. It’s a whole thing and not an easy one to sit with.
“I am so against gatekeeping, so I actively try to surround myself with good people who genuinely want to help others.”
What would you tell your younger self if you could tell them anything?
Do what makes you happy and be with people who make you happen and to be kind to yourself and don’t forget to give yourself grace. Also, do more aural training :))

What are your plans for 2025? Anything you can let us in on?
Well I’ve just moved into a new studio space and I’m super keen to work with artists! I wanna just put my head down and enter as many writing and production sessions as possible. Also hoping to release some new stuff in 2025 too.
What does music mean to you?
Music to me is simple about connection. The idea that someone can articulate something that loads of other people find relatable is beautiful. It brings people together.
What is your go to song for Karaoke?
I LOVE this question! It’s basic but ‘1000 miles’ by Vanessa Carlton because it’s a vibe!