Hey Shannon! Please tell us your story! How did you get to where you are today, running Jet Black Cat?

In short, I used to be a full-time tennis player, got extremely ill for years, got well, got back into tennis and then got hit by a car while I was riding my bike and ended up opening a record shop years later in the exact place where my tennis dream came to an end. Music has always been the best company in all era’s of my life, so it makes sense it’s where I am now.

Be bold and great things will come to you, no matter what the outcome is.

Tell us about your role at Jet Black Cat – what does your day-to-day entail?

We have a touring arm of Jet Black Cat Music now called JBCM presents so I’m day to day really busy with that and located all around the place: with a rockstar shift in at JBCM every week in amongst it – I’m always there for all of the instores we put on. We have an incredible little team (mostly made up of incredible women) and I wouldn’t be able to do it all without their incredible efforts. 

Have you had to overcome any challenges or adversity in your career, and if so, how did you approach them?

Focus on where the good energy is, be intentional about where I spend my time and energy and always surround myself with kind and honest folks who are in it all for the good times and bad & continue to do what I love in my own way.

Let’s talk about the highs vs lows of your career, are there any key moments you would like to share?

Being asked to chat on conversations with Richard Fiedler was a highlight, every year when I celebrate another year of our doors open and people still showing up and loving what we do within our community feels like a high and something to stop and take stock of always. It’s always a high hearing gratitude and thanks from people within the community that we exist in, that never goes unnoticed and underappreciated.

“People still showing up and loving what we do within our community feels like a high and something to stop and take stock of always.

Who are your role models / some people you look up to in the music industry, be they local or International?

I admire people who have stayed true to what they do and are generous along the way. To people who are in their own lane just following their vision. I always admire people who are good at collaborating also, and ones that create opportunities for younger people to help them with their path.

What is the greatest piece of life advice you’ve received?

Be bold and great things will come to you, no matter what the outcome is.

You live in Meanjin / Brisbane – what is the current musical landscape like there?

A big growing community of young musicians making pop music and getting around each other a lot while they do it.

Who are your top 3 artists to watch for 2023?
How do you wind down or de-stress? Any self-care activities that are non-negotiable?

Swimming, soul strolls, surfing, living on Minjerribah 🙂

And lastly, what is your go-to Karaoke song and why?

The Pretenders, I’ll Stand By You.