You are a booking agent for Falcona, throw a weekly party, DJ and also work in radio – tell us about everything that you do and how you fit it all in!
It feels like 24 hours really. Falcona is more than full time, Sosueme is via Falcona however every Wednesday night at Beach Road in Bondi till 1am both hosting and often DJing too. Radio is every odd weekend 3-5am as well as being involved in other aspects of the station and DJing is on a good week can be two-three late night gigs! I really should have learned how to nap by now but unfortunately I still can’t sleep on demand.
Describe a day in the life of Madeleine Carr.
I try to take advantage of the late office start at 10am by getting something done in the mornings be it working on side projects in the industry or life admin. Ideally I make time to go boxing at lunch at the the gym up the road on Foveaux st. It’s pretty hard but my gym is amazing, it’s very much for women and men and the trainers are all in between fights themselves so that makes the whole thing a bit more authentic in a way. Bookings, tours, running the office, assisting the director, delegating work and trying to think of dope parties & staying on top of new music to play and be across for A&R and booking purposes take up my days!
How did you get your start in the music industry – what is your story of how you got to where you are today?
That’s a funny one actually – I finished my BA Com at Bond Uni in the Gold Coast realizing working for literally money was something I was never going to be able to fully commit to and therefore excel in – so I decided to take some time off and just live making money from bar work at Canteen in Bondi. The bar was actually pretty great and had regular music nights that were pretty fun. Having a passion for music as well as a keen ear for local talent I put my hand up to book some artist to come through. On a very small budget, also offering my services for free, I was able to throw some pretty cool nights and eventually found myself as a freelance booking agent for a couple venues in the area. With the career as an agent becoming feasible – the perfect job came up at Falcona and the stars aligned and here I am nearly three years later fairly deep in the industry.
What made you decide to become a venue booker? How did you start setting up the weekly parties?
SOSUEME is via Falcona, which I actually took over from my boss pretty quickly after starting at the company. The mantra for the night is 99% genre free – which is definitely something I was behind, that being supporting a range of talent local, interstate and international. Be it a psych-pop band from Bris-Vegas or a local rapper, it’s amazing being able to curate events week to week and see the joy it brings both the artists and the punters. So being an agent did kind-of happen accidentally, with parties being the entrance and the product.
What advice would you give someone wanting to become a venue booker? Did you receive any advice when you first started?
I know so many people that started out in the industry from literally throwing parties. It’s uncanny. So throw a party! Link up with artists you like, get some friends down, see if a venue will host you – start your own brand from passion in a way and the rest will follow suit. Be around – go to all the gigs you want and chat to all the people. Everyone, including artists are WAY more approachable than you might think they are in your head.
If given the chance, what would you change about the current Australian music industry?
I mean it’s a bit of a boys club but things are changing. It’s a good time to be heard as a woman. More people need to take chances too and for the love of god we need to get the culture of live music attendance a bit more lively in Sydney – people are being a bit too apathetic now to live music if its not a festival or a small venue near their houses or an artist with whom they are super familiar.
Have you had to overcome any challenges or adversity in your career, and if so how did you approach them?
Not heaps – however some times I’ve definitely felt like people don’t take me seriously backstage or at events until I introduce myself and therefore relevance. I feel a lot of women in the industry share the uncomfortable girlfriend or groupie assumption until proven otherwise.
Are there any skills that you’ve needed to develop within your role?
People & personality management.
What advice would you give to your 18yo self?
Maybe don’t go to a private university on fee help.
Do you feel that higher education is necessary to work in the music industry?
Higher education is important in general I think, albeit I guess not necessary. Tertiary education – not at all.
What tips would you give an artist trying to succeed in Australia? Is there a certain route they should take in order to get more bookings and shows?
Definitely no route – just perfect your music and work on picking the right team to represent you. Just don’t rush or conform to anything!
Who are you role models in the industry whether they be international/Australian?
Unfortunately I don’t have any – definitely in the market for one!
Top 3 artists to watch right now?
What is your go-to karaoke song?
Something No doubt. ❤ Gwenny.